Friday, March 25, 2011

Third day of Techno

On the third day of techno I got a text from my room mate who'd left for work. It read

"Odessa is coming over today to do a photo shoot for her magazine in our apartment. She'll have a photo and model with her. She has a key, so it's just a heads up"

That's cool. It wouldn't bother me.
I should however start by telling you that I needed a haircut, and that my deodorant has been making my armpits itchy, so I stopped wearing it as I'm just working all day at home. So I stink, and look like shit. After a few hours I took a break and walked out of my studio into a sea of hot models and fashionable french photographers. How cool do I feel right now. The house is full of awesome looking people that speak in rad accents. I stink, my sweater is too big, and this model next to me is making me feel fat. Anyway, my girlfriend is way cuter than all of them, and makes really good omelets.

You can check out the Magazine they were photographing for here.

This track was super fun. I wrote this weird melody in 11/8 or something. I don't even know. But when you lay it over a 4/4 it drifts around and sounds really cool. Then by changing the key of the bass, the whole thing keeps changing chords without the notes changing. I'm sure there's some fancy word for this in musicspeak. The bass was a a layered Moog, and Oberheim. As the track creeps on, more harmonies slowly fade in off the Moog, and it builds nicely. I used Reaktor's Juno 6 plugin towards the end. I have such a hard time with Reaktor. I want to like it, but I just seems like too many steps to use it. And way too much to learn. I dunno, I'll come around to it. I can never find the files I want.
The last touch was I worked out a cool rhythm where I vocoded the melody with some freaky white noise, and came out with a really cool rhythm I can filter in and out.

A taste. The Third Day of Techno by Spell 'n Math


  1. i love that track. i absolutely adore the interesting approach to time signature, and chord changes. also, i don't think it's possible to offend a parisian with body odour
