Monday, March 28, 2011

Fifth Day of Techno.

Today was a bit nuts, as I had a short mixing session at noon, then a meeting at 3, so I only had a few hours to put in, but I think I got something pretty rad.

I've been stewing a lot, and keeping track of sounds and ideas that I wanted to try. There were a handful that came to me in the last day.

I have this cool deck called "Oblique Strategies" that were developed by Brian Eno, and some other dude I've never heard of intended to give you creative advice in times of "creative blockages". I was told to "do something boring". The irony of which I'm sure will not be lost on most people.

I started with the classic house drum pattern. Up till now I've been gravitating towards really slamming clicky kicks, but wanted to go for a more classic analogue thump on this one. I also have been finding my choices of snares are leaning on the aggressive side, so I tried to go with something less snappy. Then I took an electronic open hat, and side chained the hell out of it, to give it a really awesome pumping sound. I chilled out on the rhythm in general. I wanted what was there to speak for itself.

The minimoog has this really cool sound where if you modulate the filter with the 3rd Oscillator jacked up really high, you can get these really rad vowel sounding things a la Daft Punk. It sounds like a robot trying to speak. That became the main focus. Then I made a really cool vowely sound on the FM8, that played off of it.
The chirpy bits are an auto-tuned snipped of a vocal on a record I'm mixing right now (Used with permission)

I'm totally stoked with where this is went. I'm looking forward to fleshing this one out.

The Fifth Day of Techno by Spell 'n Math