Friday, March 25, 2011

Ten Days of Techno

So, I finished scoring a movie 2 weeks ago, and wasn't totally sure what to do with my time. So, I figured I needed a solid project under my belt to keep myself from going mental.

I've slowly been sinking into the abyss of techno obsession. A year ago I'd gotten bored with all my music and wanted to get into something new. I was bored with my old garage rock band, and Hip-hop wasn't as exciting to produce as it was, and I slowly dipped into Dance music. A record has been brewing in my head for a while, and I kept talking about doing it. So I figured, If I can sit in my studio and score a film for 10 hours a day, everyday for a month, why not do the same working on a record.

So I established "Ten Days of Techno". Where I'm forcing myself to write techno all day every day for 10 days. Whatever is done at the end of the day (Which is usually the bulk of a track) I leave and move on the next day. At the end I'll have 12 (I already had 2 done) tracks to cherry pick and refine into something bad ass. Then I should have a record! Hopefully it wont suck. Admittedly, I'm already 3 days in, so I'm sort of cheating on this blog.

I don't really know what I'm doing.