Friday, March 25, 2011

First day of Techno.

So today I started work on the first track. Everything's getting done in logic, and most of the sampling is taken care of using battery. First thing to go down were the drums. Half the fun of programming the drums is making a boring 4/4 beat interesting. After assembling my drums in Battery I did a a neat 6/8 hat thing with a hat I got off an old univox drum machine. Then took a crappy sounding tom and ran that through a cool pitch shifting delay. That gave me my main drum section.

Then I screwed around trying to find some nice chords or melodies. Jumping back and forth between pianos and an old Oberheim, I settled on a progression on Piano. My roommate said it sounded gay. C'est la vie.

The bass line got assigned to the Mini. The noise freakouts were the Octave cat, and the Piano chord progression got doubled on the Oberheim.

I circuit bent a bunch of toy keyboards last winter. I sampled a bunch of sounds and mangled them in Battery. I used those as accents and pads in some cases.

This was the first time I really dug into the arpeggiator on my Akai keyboard controller. In theory it will take midi clock from your sequencer, and spit out arpeggios. However he notes are never in sync, and I almost always had to adjust them. There's still something really satisfying about tweaking a filter on a synth that's being wildly arpeggiated.

This side chaining business is a bit addictive.

At the end of the day, this is what I had. Unmixed
Still needs a lot of work, but I think it'll turn out pretty good.
I can't figure out how to upload music, so you'll have to cut and past this into your browser.

The First Day of Techno by Peter Project

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